Wednesday, 15 December 2010

ICT and Criminal Investigation

With the development of certain technologies. ICT now has the potential to assist in and against crime prevention.

The main thing that is used for Criminal investigations is the Police national database, which stores large amounts of data about people from their name and fingerprints to the kind of  car that they drive. The Police National Computer has 185 million transactions through it per year. The Police National Computer is also the largest database in the UK. Despite it being stored on computers nowadays it was once stored in a paper database before being computerised. It still allos the ability to query and cross reference.Under the Data Protection Act, police can now remain in contact with information about certain suspects. The computers are also used to examine evidence as well as an expert person to analyse fingerprints and other evedence. Police also use face recognition software to identify people from CCTV or from descriptions.

Airports also use IT for crime prevention and investigation. One new example of this is the full body scanner which allows people to see if there is anything potentially dangerous under someone's clothes. Airports have also been known to X-ray people's bags which thanks to the development in IT now allows clearer pictures of the contents of bags and so protecting the passengers from any potential threat.

The police have also had IT used to improve their communication with each other. From originally banging a trunchion on the ground the police have gone into whistles and radios and now into using mobile phones. The police can alos use tracking software and SatNavs to co-ordinate the forces.

IT is also used by criminals as well as the police. Criminals also use computers to commit cyber crimes (which are not always based on the internet). One thing that criminals can do is hack into someone else's computer and steal the contents of the hard drive which could include personal information. Another thing that the criminals can attempt to do is defraud people by tricking them into giving up bank details to them via e-mails and viruses. With these stolen details, criminals can now rob the person's bank account by transferring money to one of their accounts. Many new laws being passed are based to countering cyber crime such as the Computer Misuse Act.

IT is now also used with speed cameras to catch those breaking the traffic laws. The computers can now set up the cameras to take photos of not only the number plate but the driver as well. a similar system is currently being used in Japan where both a photo of the licence plate and the person driving it are required for a criminal conviction which means there is the problem that it is possible to wear a mask to prevent yourself being convicted. These are also used in main cities such as London which have the congestion charge to catch those who have not paid the charge by caputuring a picture of the licence plate and checking it with a computer database to see if that plate owner has paid the charge, if he has not then a fine is automatically sent out to the vehicle owner by the computer.

IT is also used in crime prevention with monitoring. The police can now use IT to track people's mobile phone records as well as monitor their bank account to see if there are any irregular transactions. Under the Computer Misuse Act, the police can monitor bank transactions but they can't stop them.

The Police also use IT in Investigations with the electronic tags worn by those who have ASBOs or are suspected terrorists. These tags electronically inform the police that that person has violated their curfew, gene somewhere they're not allowed or attempted to tamper with the tag by sending a signal remotely to the police national computer.

The police computers also have a DNA Biometric database which allows the police to hold DNA and fingerprint evidence about suspects and use them to find out who commited a certain crime at a later date if that perswon reoffends however if the person is aquitted, then the police have to remove the evidence about that person from their system which could be counter productive if that person breaks the law for real.

In conclusion, the police now have the ability to use ICT to their advantage in preventing, investigating, and recording crimes. However criminals are getting more computer smart and are causing the police to continuously upgrade and update their IT technology to keep pace with criminals.

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